
Get a glow on the skin on your Face, Get rid of dead Skin cells with this homemade Milk Powder recipe

The remedy that I am going to share is about instant fairness. I is jus impossible to change your skin complexion but it is always possible to look better.

A layer of dead skin cells appear on our skin because of that our skin starts to look dull, if you just remove this layer, you can get instant glow on your face and in this post I will tell you how can do this

You will need:

  • Lemon
  • Wild Turmeric
  • Milk powder (Easily available in grocery store)

What to do:

  1. First cut lemon into 2 half
  2. We will use one half with lemon and 2nd half with turmeric
  3. First dip one half lemon on turmeric powder Rub this lemon on your face for 1 minutes.
  4. Squeeze it in between so juice comes out Now after 5 minutes take 2nd half of lemon, dip into this milk powder and tub it on your face for 5 minutes as we did with turmeric powder
  5. Milk powder will make your skin fair and soft and at the same time will moisturize your skin After 5 minutes scrubbing wash your face with plain water

Originally posted 2018-02-09 18:10:38.

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