Women’s Ongoing Search for a Normal Partner
Women often complain that they can not find a normal boy and wonder where the good freaks have disappeared.
But sometimes they are going to miss them precisely because of their behavior.
Ladies, these are the most common mistakes you make while waiting for a good Frajer to “fall from the sky”:
You only want one type of man
There is nothing wrong with setting criteria, but do not be too picky. At some point, examine what is what you are looking for in a man and, if necessary, change the list.
Ask yourself what’s really important to you and would you reject a man because of something not so important.
You are waiting for the perfect
All women dream of living with the perfect man, but time passes, and the perfect man has not yet come.
When we really want someone, we can look through his fingers and imperfections, and after a while they become cute.
You refuse to leave company
The odds that a good boy will knock you on the door some day are minimal, although there are such sudden love stories. If you want to meet someone, go out more.
Even if you do not go out, the chance to hit a good boy is greater when you are not at home.
You’re getting out of a relationship
In the process of seeking a boy, you need to follow your heart, but be realistic and reasonable and think with your brain. After the break, spend time alone in order to overcome the previous relationship.
Blindness from one relationship to another will not bring you anything good, but you will lose your own identity even more.
You do not want to do the first step
It’s enough with those old rules that the man is the one who needs to make the first step. If someone likes you, show it. Be honest with yourself and towards him.
While you stick to the rules and you have prejudices, you miss the good guys, so that’s not worth doing any more.
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Originally posted 2017-09-04 10:53:12.