9 Fun Things You Can Do On A Boring Weekend!
After a long, hard week, on the weekend we like to sleep till noon and then spend the rest of the day binge-watching our favourite TV show. While it’s easy to lapse into a predictable weekend routine, we think it’s time to shake things up and do something different! Call your besties and plan a fun day, even if you want to stay indoors. So, here are 9 things to do, to make this weekend an interesting one!
9. Foster a dog for a day
Interacting with humans can get to you sometimes (no, really). So, go around in your neighbourhood and ask if anyone with a pet wants to take a break so that you can foster him. Take him for a walk, play with him and have an eventful day with the cute pupper!
8. Volunteer for extra work
Sometimes it’s great to do something that will make others smile. Volunteer for charity work at your nearest NGO to reach out to others in your community!
7. Stay in and make some amazing food
Take a day out to try out amazing recipes at home. Not only will your mother be super proud of you, but you can also plan a movie date with bestie, whilst munching on tasty home-cooked food!
6. Surprise your friends with a visit
It’s always awesome to catch up with old friends. Get your bestie and drop by at a close friend’s house to make this a cute little reunion weekend!
5. Go cycling!
Have you ever wanted to see what’s around your neighbourhood but haven’t really gotten the chance to? Well, hop on a bicycle and just go for it. And click some amazing selfies while you’re at it!
4. Join a kickboxing class
Not only is this a great form of self-defence but it also a good physical workout. Train yourself and learn something new over the weekend and you can always thank us later!
3. If you love art then THIS is where you should be
If you love to look at all things pretty, then the art installation by PUMA is where you need to be this weekend. This campaign seems to be in light of the launch of their new shoe NETFIT and aims to inspire people to get up, lace up and run! PUMA has created beautiful art installations with laces in iconic locations of major metropolitan cities like Mumbai – Carter Road, Delhi – Connaught Place and Bangalore – MG Road Boulevard with the message #LacedUp. So, you should definitely go for this!
2. Workout with your bestie
If you don’t like working out on your own, making it a team effort with your bestie will just make it a whole lot of fun!
1. Head to the nearest play area for a day full of fun
You are never too old for the swings! And with the monsoons around the corner, it will be fun to get out there and relive a few childhood memories!
*This post is in association with PUMA
Originally posted 2017-07-22 14:47:23.